FILM LOVE presents
solo and collaborative video works
including works created at The Experimental Television Center

Colorful, experimental film and video works on the subject of technology, ritual, and the body, introduced by the artist

Saturday, April 25, 2009, 8:00 pm

at Eyedrum

still from What If? by Darrin Martin and Torsten Zenas Burns (2009)

"[Martin’s] videos make strange the relationships between physical cause and acoustic effect; we seem to witness someone trying out a new sensory faculty with caution and apprehension." –Artforum, April 2009

Film Love presents video artist Darrin Martin in person, hosting a program of colorful, experimental video works about technology, ritual, and the body. In particular, Martin’s experience with hearing loss and tinnitus inspired a series of poignant works which are both visually and sonically compelling. Other Turbans details a medical intervention into Martin’s hearing loss, involving a skull implant, which in turn inspires a sonic journey to the middle of Times Square. Monograph in Stereo recreates the artist’s changing relationship to sound and his discovery of the interdependence of the senses.

In other collaborative works, Martin further explores technology and the body. What If? features the radical body artists Stelarc and Orlan as part of a "fictional polyamorous romance" with two obscure Marvel superheroes: "the Scarlet Witch, a mutant superhero who has unlimited powers over probability, and the Vision, a ‘synthezoid’ whose mechanically fabricated body contains a human soul." Containing odd and humorous juxtapositions between the artists and their animated special-effects counterparts, What If? conjures an occult, pastoral, technological ritual.

The Knocking, 2001/07, 15 minutes
Volcanica, 2004, 9:30 minutes, collaboration with Torsten Zenas Burns
Monograph in Stereo, 2004/5, 17:20 minutes
What If?, 2009, 15:30 minutes, collaboration with Torsten Zenas Burns
Other Turbans, 2007, 12:40 minutes
all works screened on video

Darrin Martin, Other Turbans (2007)

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